Product Info

Below is detailed specification on our mat products.

All-In-One Mats require fittings or connector kits to attach the mats to a water source.  Mats such as the 8 Foot or 50 Foot Mat with standard connector are the only exception to this rule--the 8 Foot Mat is fully assembled and connects directly to your hose or rain barrel--the 50 Foot version with Standard Connector requires you to insert the connector into the Mat's drip tube. Farmers take note: you can use standard drip irrigation fittings (Tape-Loc style) with all mat products.

(The 3 Minute-A-Day Mat is another name for our 8 Foot Mat.)

Planting Holes: Approximately two inch diameter hole perforations spaced every six inches. The perforations are easily removed by hand, and the holes can be stretched to accommodate larger plants.  Plant spacings of 6", 12", 18" etc are possible by leaving intermediate perforations in place.  For example, for 12 inch spacings, every other hole is removed.

Drip Irrigation: Standard 5/8 inch diameter drip tape irrigation tubing. 8 mil (0.008") wall thickness. 0.25 GPH emitters with 12 inch spacing.  Single line mats have tube along center line.  Dual line mats have two tubes, seven inches on each side of centerline.